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Let your Piggy bank turn into a Fish!


Fish in Chinese culture means surplus due to the similar pronunciation.
\”Good dream has a fish\” gives you a good metaphor to all business.

The real world is like a vast ocean, let the fish-looked bank be your lucky storage.
You can put coins inside and make a wish,
striving to be the best and pursuing dreams!
We all have a little bit of pride,
Fighting against all kinds of tasks in reality.
Proud little fish on pillow,
encouraging to pursue good dreams and making them come true.

\”Good Dream Has a  Fish\” limited edition
designed by emerging artist Jiang Long.
Size:18 x 20 x 16 cm

The most tasteful gift creates surplus on your pillow and reserve more for future!
The most meaningful collection!
Three color option with art boutique gift box
( including collection code and greeting card )
Contact us for special collection price!


