Summer comes after Spring while outdoor activities have been long waiting to run.
In a big metropolitan area with massive construction changing every year, young people are looking eagerly for funny cool things, while elders are collecting memories from past glories.
Arts in Beijing ferments while the time changes slowly for life to experience more as if the transition of footage in a movie, fading out and fading in one by one and illustrating the future world. The line between urban and countryside are blurring gradually.
Everyone has his/her own story. Just don\’t know what genre it belong to it? What role one is playing? Maybe it is Alice in a wonder land or rabbit runs into evil jungle by accident. Or. it could be a story like Wizard of OZ. Kansas is bye! bye!
Don’t worry! This year, we mkee projects including puzzle-solving contents such as educational programs for general public and art events for business sectors. When world gets more digitized the more value in real world activities.
Energy waves keep coming in that push time forward constantly. What is the new challenge? How to do business in a new way? How to run things around with methodology? The capability to learn new thing is a privilege for humans below the blue sky of the Earth.
Enjoy all in a new age!
by Louis K Wang
the Founder of iNGO Academy in Beijing

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