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Winter Garden in Beijing



This project was our effort to mix arts with Eco-aesthetics for sustainability which would be a good suggestion to mainstream society of Beijing.  \”Rural Mix\” branded a long-termed experiment on culture and art to quest for new ways of life in the AI age. The exhibition was held after good communication with local government agents and business corporations. The idyllic venue was a new construction named “ Winter Garden”, a huge greenhouse where capable of  hosting culture events  all year long. Rural Mix offered a platform to  promote new technoarts, concepts and educational programs to  conventional society, both domestically and internationally. It would also be  an opportunity for general public to understand what new things comes up in the world.

The initiation of this project coming with this opening of  art exhibition and a symposia was headed by Prof. Louis Wang, founder of iNGO Academy. \”We welcome all who like the concept of A.R.T.S.(Advocate Reformation Toward Sustainability) to participate in this project, sharing creat