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Life of Art in Beijing

Do you consider coming over China for couple of weeks, even months? Would you like to develop a career or marketable skill while stay? But, where will be the start point? How about Beijing, the culture center, the head of dragon? There are many many original art and culture activities in Beijing. If you are… Continue reading Life of Art in Beijing

The Poem of Energy Wave!

[KGVID poster=\”\” width=\”640\” height=\”360\”][/KGVID] Genre:Surreal Short Format: Digital Video Length:1‘08\” Year:2015 How does the human consciousness work? Neurons in the brain only run mechanically and discharge energy. Why do they generate consciousness? These questions gradually get answered by some physicists on a series of scientific hypotheses. Human consciousness may be the same as the principle… Continue reading The Poem of Energy Wave!

Categorized as Creatives

Funny & cool things in a place called Bridge

[KGVID height=\”719\”][/KGVID] Genre:Visual Doodle Format: Digital Video Length:3‘20\” Year:2008 Beijing is a melting pot of culture. There are heroes from inland as well as explorers and creators from outland. Here. we can exchange ideas, build a new culture and witness the rapid evolution of a big city. But just like the modernization of all places,crowds… Continue reading Funny & cool things in a place called Bridge